
Elizabeth Busch LLC is a Private Physical Therapy Practice and not affiliated with any medical insurance companies or providers. All services provided are private pay.

  • We accept all forms of payment including Debit, Mastercard, American Express, cash & checks.
  • HSA and Flex Spending cards are also accepted but may require prior authorization.
  • Patients are provided with a receipt of service upon request for their personal records.

Myofacial Relase/ Manual Therapy

Time: 60 minutes

Rates: $160

Myofacial Relase/ Manual Therapy

Time: 90 minutes

Rates: $220

Myofacial Relase/ Manual Therapy

Time: 2 hours

Rates: $270

Initial Evaluation & Treatment

Time: 2 hours

Rates: $285

Private Yoga Session

Time: 75 minutes

Rates: $85

Private Strengthening Session

Time: 75 minutes

Rates: $85